강원도립화목원(Gangwon-do Provincial Flower Garden)
경기도립 물향기수목원(Gyeonggi Provincial Mulhyanggi Arboretum)
꽃무지풀무지(Wild Arboretum Khotmujipulmuji)
국립수목원(Korean National Arboretum)
들꽃수목원(Wild Flower Botanical Garden)
부천식물원(Bucheon Botanical Garden)
서울대학교 관악수목원(Kwanak Arboretum of Seoul National University)
신구대학식물원(Shingu Botanic Garden)
아침고요수목원(The Garden of Morning Calm)
제이드가든수목원(Jade Garden Arboretum)
평강식물원(Pyunggang Botanical Garden)
한국벌레잡이식물원(Korea Carnivorous Plant lover's Society)
경상남도수목원(Gyeongsangnam-do Arboretum)
경주동궁원(Gyeongju East Palace Garden)
기청산식물원(Kee-chung-san Botanic Garden)
서울어린이대공원식물원(Seoul Children’s Grand Park Botanic Garden)
울산테마식물수목원(Ulsan Theme Botanic Gardens & Arboretum)
한국도로공사수목원(Korea Expressway Corporation Arboretum)
한림공원(Jeju Hallim Tropical World Park)
안면도 자연휴양림(Anmyeondo Arboretum)
충남산림환경연구소 금강수목원(Kumkang Botanic Garden)